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Old 09-19-2009, 09:37 AM   #21
threadkillin' 6 pack
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I have 2 big dogs 2 yorkies 2 cats. You really can't predict anything. It all depends on the individual personalities of the animals, they are like people.

Buster, my tuxedo, adores Bear and Baxter. He licks their eyes clean, cuddles with them, etc.. The yorkies on the other hand, I think he'd kill them if allowed. He weighs 15lbs and I believe he thought they were rodents/prey when first brought in, and can't get that out of his mind. He's getting better, but I have to really watch him. The more he observes Baxter playing with the girls the more accepting he becomes. In this case thank God he doesn't have claws because he would have done damage before I knew what the dynamics were.

And yes, declawing is actually amputation of the first joint of each toe. It is painful, recovery is painful. I have a girlfriend who's vet cut too far back and her cat winces everytime it lands from a jump, surgery was several years ago, it will be in pain its entire life. My gf carries alot of guilt over this. I know it is a huge controversy. And it is a whole different thread...

My other cat Buffy adores all God's creatures... a true flower child...LOL I believe from the progress I've seen that eventually Buster will accept the babies, not 'love' but accept.

For about 16 years we had two cats that did not like each other. They co-habitated, but they never, ever liked each other. Just like people, you can't make good chemistry where none exists. I believe the occasions where an animal has to be rehomed because 'they dont get along' are extremely rare. They may not reach lovefest stage, but eventually most all will co-exist peacefully. They know how to avoid each other, and unlike people they usually can tolerate each other's presence better than humans can. We don't like someone we can't co-exist, we can't seem to keep our mouths shut...LOL, shoot we gotta declare war!!!
wife to gerry , momma to bear , baxter ,baby and bug
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