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Old 09-09-2009, 10:23 AM   #16
Robin Lodal
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Originally Posted by dwerten View Post
omg robin i had no idea you were dealing with all this I feel so bad for you

First off you were a great GE buddy hope that made you smile

second what a great breeder to have done this and take responsibility

- please make sure your male and female are bile acid tested as well as the other puppies to find out if any issues before it becomes this severe

ok you are in the best hands for sure with dr tobias she is awesome

lactulose is to get her to poop out the toxins in her body since the liver is not functioning right she needs help releasing those toxins

antibiotic is to keep infection down

is it denamarin the other thing as that is sam-e and milk thistle which cleanses the liver - you can also add juiced zucchini as that naturally cleanses the liver as well and put that on her food

hill's LD is a good diet and the wet food she may eat more than dry - if she will not cook in oven and you can treat her with that

you need to join this group NOWWWWWW they will help you day and night- just go to and search liver shunt and this will pop up

sounds like you are in good hands and she is going to be ok

I will never understand someone getting a puppy and when things go bad just putting them down as dogs cost money if they get sick so why do people not think of this before getting a dog oh well at least you did the right thing and it is genetics so your others do need ot be tested and the one that has it I would have fixed so it does not happen again down the line and any puppies they had i would call the owners as it can creep up 3 years later and then they can have acquired shunts and multiple which cannot be operated on - if they find one when small they can fix and they can live a normal life so important to catch when young and have all yorkie and maltese bile acid tested
Aww, you did make me smile with the GE comment.

As for the denamarin, I am not 100% sure. The doctor will be calling me this afternoon/evening and I will ask her specifics... anyone have any specific questions that I should add to my list? I will find out the exact meds so that I can read more about them.

As for her food, she is only eating a mixture of the canned Hill's LD mixed with a bit of baby food by a syringe. They had hoped that she would be at least eating some on her own but they feel as though if its something that I can do (syringe feed and work with her), we can possibly get her off of the syringe soon. I was concerned about her possibly just being on the soft food for a whole month (b/c what if she doesn't even touch the dry?) and the student that I talk to said that she didn't think it would be a problem but to ask the doctor to make sure.

I just joined the group. I can't wait to just be able to read, read, read. There is no such thing as too much information.

As for the acid bile tests on the mommy and daddy, I will be talking to the doctor about that later today. I am sure that is something I could probably get done here in KY (its not TOP priority right now - Ginger is). The whole genetics thing, I am not so sure because I keep reading conflicting information. I know that Dr. Tobias has a new study. She recently took 2 dogs with liver shunts, repaired them, bred them and they had 2 healthy, shunt free puppies! That's wonderful. They are now working on creating a whole colony of dogs and doing this several times to get a better idea on how genetics will play a role in this. I do not want to stress out the other parents (of the littermates) until I speak to the doctor today. I will ask her if its something she feels the rest of the litter should be tested for, just in case.

I agree with you, I don't understand why someone would be wanting to put down a puppy so quickly as well. I let my parents know that they can be expensive and there are several health risks! Granted, I would never pay 5k for a puppy, dog, whatever but once I have that dog in my care, its MY responsibility to do the best I can to preserve its life and honestly, its MORE than that. Its companionship, THAT pup cannot be replaced. Its consciousness. If I put the pup down w/o giving it a chance, I would always wonder "what if...." *sigh* But yes, I agree with you!

Originally Posted by dwerten View Post
here are some things to feed if she will not eat -- cottage cheese, egg whites, cod - get it from sam's club in freezer section bake it and chop up in a baggie, watermelon

i am going to post this link to liver shunt group so they can be waiting for you

is the antibiotic amoxicillin?
Thanks for the tips! I have a BUNCH of hand written notes that I have from tidbits I have gotten off of YT and the internet....definitely will be adding all of this to it!

I will find out what the antibiotic is later today and let you know.

Thank you for posting this link! I just joined and am waiting for approval. Wow, I am so overwhelmed by all of this knowledge and generosity. You are all so wonderful!

Originally Posted by TLC View Post
You are and have done everything that I with all my experience and knowledge of LS would be doing.

I'd like to offer you some more info.

Children's Vanilla Pedisure is ok to give in small amounts via syringe if she is not eating.

Watermelon is good to give in small pieces, you can drizzle the lactulose ontop.

A few apple bits (no skin) and romaine lettuce are good treats.

I prefer: Hepatosupport and Vetri DMG from HomeVetŠ Natural Pet Care
These are easier to give then denamarin (which I believe has to be given whole and on an empty stomach).

Baking the L/D may be a nice treat for her

You can coat the RC kibble with a very little, tiny bit of low sodium goat cheese or Friendship Brand No Sodium added 1% cottage cheese.
Such great info. I have already written down a lot of this. I do not know really anything about the denamarin at this point. I am not 100% sure this is what she will be taking... but I will get all of that info later and post it here. If she is on the denamarin, I will menttion the Hepatosupport and Vetri DMG to the doctor and get her opinion. Thanks.

So are you all saying to bake the canned food? How long would I bake it and how much at a time? How long would it keep? So these are the treats, I could use for pottying, etc? At this point, she is still on syringe but this could be VERY tempting for her. I am game for anything at this point!

And to everyone, thank you so much for your prayers and support! This entire situation has been so overwhelming and I have had to literally put my life on a hold the past few days (and it looks like for at least the next 4 weeks!). Which is fine and I am kind of glad I didn't get that teaching job this year (a blessing in disguise?). You all are so wonderful and I just feel like she is getting the best care possible at UT and you all are so informative, I just don't want to be the one to screw anything up! Thank you so much and I will keep you all updated as I am informed.

~ Robin ,Max,
Molly, Dozer& kitties, Toby & Lucy
RIP - Ginger, Abby, Conway, &Simon
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