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Old 09-05-2009, 09:30 PM   #10
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by LuvMySissy View Post
So sorry to hear you've entered this world with many of us!!!!!!

A great thing to add to the diet immediately is a quality probiotic. This helps to keep the GI tract in optimal health. A low fat, limited ingredient diet is good to go with so just in case you have continued issues, you know exactly what is going into their body. Meat sources should be as low in fat as possible, so fish, bison, turkey are great options. You also want to make sure the food doesn't contain flax seed as this can be a major trigger. Also be careful adding anything like Grizzly Salmon Oil or using a product such as Missing Link as these are all very high in fat content and can lead to increased problems.

Most importantly, read as much information as you can handle on pancreatitis. Know the symptoms and if any more present, seek vet care immediately. Also, learn to interpret the various blood tests and know what to ask for.

There are many of us here you can PM for additional information as well.
correct NO FATTY ACID SUPPLEMENTATION AS WHILE RARE IT CAN TRIGGER PANCREATITIS - so no flaxseed oil, omega 3 fish oil supplements, no salmon oil - NOTHING but dog food is what mine gets -- the pancreas has digestive enzymes and even the slightest food can set it off if they had it before like mine vomitted for 15 hrs off and on as i stupidly gave him a teeny piece size of my pinky nail steamed yam and he was a mess and i called the specialty hospital and they said any food can trigger a dog that has pancreatitis it does not necessarily have to be fatty foods as the digestive enzymes can get messed up and the dog can spin out of control which happened to dexter - luckily by withholding food and knowing what to do with him he was ok but it scared me as i always thought it was just fatty foods and this is simply not the case once they have had it so once you get them on a diet and it works stick to it and only treat with that diet too do not falter or you will open yourself up to a possible relapse like I almost had happen with mine.
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