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Old 08-30-2009, 08:09 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by BaxtersMommy View Post
First, a little about me.

I don't have kids, I am married to a person who equally loves animals. I am a Pet Sitter (Call Me Pet Sitter | Pet Sitting Services), so when I am not with my fur babies, i am with someone's dog, cat, horse, etc. I love my job because I am doing what I am most passionate about.....loving animals!

This past week, I took Baxter and Bayleigh to Happy Hour at Three Dog Bakery. I mentioned it to my friends, both on the phone and Facebook, and they ALL said, "I have gone too far & I am crazy". (their exact words). However, half of them mistreat their animals, I don't mean beat them, but they will leave them outside, not bathe them, feed them crap, never take them for walks & then get mad at them when they do something wrong.

I realize the needs of dogs. They need constant stimulating & they need to be exercised & played with as much as possible. Our dogs (my babies) have their own bedroom. When I am not with them, they are playing with their toys, or they are watching Animal Planet (yes my dogs watch tv).

I miss out on a lot of things with my friends because I don't want to constantly leave my animals home alone. I am OK with that, but again they make cracks, "Dana is the crazy dog lady and she won't be here." Now, I go out to dinner with them, but I don't feel the need for constant bar hopping, geez....I am 37 years old. My husband is in a softball league and he understands that I can't make every game because that would mean leaving our babies for a few hours alone.

Anyway, I am SICK and TIRED of my so called friends saying I am crazy. WHY? Because I don't have snotty nosed kids that scream when they dont get their way? Why am I weird because I dont have a desire to have children (atleast rightnow, and who knows if I ever will)? It is getting to the point that my friends make me ill because they can't keep their mouths shut! If you think I spend too much time with my animals, keep it to yourself. I am not interfering with YOUR world.

UGH. Anyway, sorry that this is so long. I just have to ask my YT Family, AM I crazy? lol

Welcome to TrilogyOnline Pets

Nope not crazy at all!!!!

I also am fed up with all the jokes about me - friends call me the female dog whisperer. They think I exaggerate when it comes to my furbabies especially when I've placed pups. They don't understand when I don't approve of a specific home. I keep hearing "It's just a dog!" I HATE when they say that

What's sad is that I actually don't go out with them much anymore because I don't want to hear it My husband and kids understand my passion and love for animals but unfortunately none of my friends do
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