Thread: Alpha Roll
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Old 08-21-2009, 12:05 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by chachi View Post
I dont see why it has to be debated over and over again. Some people dont agree with its use others do end of story!!!! I dont understand this knocking down of the training methods others use all the time.
I get you do not understand. I get you do not even wish to understand.
I am perfectly OK with that. You need never change your methods of training what so ever.
But there are others that are just coming into knowing or are looking at things in a different more progressive fact based ,science based, dog friendly way of doing training, that builds a relationship with a dog from a place of trust not fear and they need to be told that they are seeing things clearly and accurately then some other.
They have the right to post what they think is new and interesting and changing their lives and the lives of many others and not get smack up side the head cause you do not want to hear it anymore and you do not understand it.
Fact is it is not new and that OK but many are still crossing over.
I remember the day the light bulb went on and I know that trying to teach a little girl to heel by her pulling and me pulling and then her pulling and me pulling back as a correction was about as useful as not.
On the other hand when someone posts a thread that is OK alpha roll the dog or use a can of penny and has not clue that there can be nasty fall out to that and most do not have a clue there can be or even see it when it happens. I tend to shake my head and go fine have at it wreak a perfectly normal behave dog anyway you want but do not teach it to other if you do not know the fall out or how to fix it if there is.
I can, I have, I have the resources to, I have the leg work that is based in science and I can lay hands on studies which you wish not to read that can prove my points. You can not prove your methods can or can not based in science. It all you can say that it been done that way for years.
We have driven fussel fuel cars for years and now what are we looking at. the hybrids. why science say.........
We recycle says.........
Why is it that we have to stick to the old ways when scince says there are better way....cause it always been done that way....... You know six years down the line maybe more maybe less there will be others ways to do lots of things. Why is it so scarey to look hard at a new way to dog train????

Life changes nothing stays teh same. Makes life intresting and great learning.

"The truth about an animal is far more beautiful than all the myths woven about it." Konrad Loranz
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