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Old 08-18-2009, 07:48 PM   #14
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Thanks for all of the opinions. I think everyone can agree this woman is a bit crazy!..Nevertheless, I plan on talking with her tomorrow morning before my boyfriend leaves to work. (just in case things get out of hand)

LDandPasquale, I would LOVE to get up and go to a friend's house. But unfortunately, I just moved up here with my boyfriend about 2 months ago, so I really haven't made any friends besides the few acquaintances i've met at work. I would really really love to go see my mom, but she lives back home in Kansas 10 hours away.. My boyfriend and I moved up here for my schooling. University of Wisconsin offers a great pharmacy program, and they offered me much more money in scholarships than any local Kansas school, so we decided it was worth it to leave.

..although it would be easier for me to get up and leave, I agree with Princessangela3. I really need to come up with some sort of agreement with her so that we can get along.

MizMaRLeysMoM86 & Breeze - I agree with both of you! My boyfriend needs to be a man and stand up for me more.. I know it is his mother and I understand that to some extent, but all of this is just wayyy out of hand!

My boyfriend grilled out, and he had a stack of dishes so I was expecting her to freak out.. hmm no shock she did. She said its not fair for Rick to cook and I sit around and do nothing! ahhh.. We switch off cooking and doing dishes but I figured it would make much more sense to wait until we were DONE eating to do the dishes.. am i stupid or does this make sense to you guys too?? Anyways she ending up screaming at me saying well youre not doing anything else right now so what is the need for you to wait so long? I just said nothing.. im done with it! Why does it matter if i wait or not? They will get done! that's all that matters so quit worrying about it!!! I pretty much just ran outside I pulled him aside and we discussed it briefly. He agrees he is uncomfortable that his mom and I are not getting along, so he came up with the idea that we will all discuss everything after sleeping on it for a night. He still thinks this is just how she is though.. uggh well..I cant even stand to look at her its gotten this bad! He thinks that he can convince her to leave on Sunday at the earliest because he has plans to fix the car tomorrow. She has told us though that she really wants to stay awhile to "help us out".. in my opinion, she's not helping anything. but..anyway.. I'll let you know how our discussion goes.. Wish me luck =/
Jimi | Marshall | Hendrix
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world shall know peace." - Hendrix
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