Thread: Famous people??
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Old 08-13-2009, 02:49 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Krystee View Post
Omgosh, I was thinking about posting something like this the other day... I guess great minds think alike

Well, the ones I've met aren't that impressive.. lol.

When I was 16 I became obsessed with the band Hanson since they live in Oklahoma, I had lots of opportunities to meet them... I think I've met them 3 or 4 times.

I have also met Garth Brooks who is from my hometown. I was around 10 yrs old and we saw him standing in front of his mom's house unloading stuff from the car so we stopped to say hi

I have also met most of the gymnasts from the 2000 olympics were they won first place. They were called the "Magnificent Seven".

Oh, and my husband knows Curtis Loughton of the Atlanta Falcons

and I have a cousin who is kinda sorta famous. He is the drummer/songwriter for the band Hinder. So far their biggest hit was a song called "lips of an angel".
1996 Olympics was the Mag 7 with Kerri Strug's famous vault...2000 was not a great showing for the USA. My favorite gymnast of all time Shannon Miller is from Oklahoma - tell me you trained at Dynamo or something.

I have also met several "famous" gymnasts.

Let's see Tommy Lee and Ludacris were on my floor at work last year filming something for their reality show. Some coworkers and I passed Will Ferrell on the way out of our building when we were coming back up from a coffee break. My coworkers got pictures of both - I don't think I'm as starstruck as they are (funny since I love celebrity gossip mags and websites to a fault!)...I'm sure I would be for the *right* celeb. So basically, I don't actually KNOW anyone famous that I can think of...
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Last edited by TresCutePiggies; 08-13-2009 at 02:51 PM.
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