Thread: Famous people??
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Old 08-12-2009, 10:10 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by capt_noonie View Post
I like the guy that wears hot pants and is on skates all the time. I forget his name, but in the movie he actually was who he said he was.

On a side note, I was in jail for a few hours, they really do talk like they do on Reno 911. I have a ring that is a "trinity" ring, and well, I've gained some weight since I first got it, and when they told me to take it off, it was HARD! Then they go. is it one ring, or three rings? No if it's 3 rings then they are gonna look for three separate rings, it's one ring b/c it's all connected, then another guy goes, no it's three sep rings but they are intertwined.

I was sooooo close to asking them if they watch Reno 911. Heck I was in trouble already, what were they gonna do, charge me for my free speech?

K whatever everyone should go to jail at least once. LOL
HaHa you're too funny! And Terry is the guy on skates.. his real name is Nick Swardson, who by the way is a HILARIOUS comedian! You soo should have asked if they watched the show LoL
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