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Old 08-11-2009, 10:31 PM   #9
Thor's Human
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Originally Posted by Nancy1999 View Post
Lol, that's really something to be able to diagnosis something like that, I'll bet the doctor was shocked when you were right.

I think vets probably get tired of arguing with someone who's read a couple sites, and thinks they are an expert, and so much information on the web is so wrong. Asking a question like, "I read this, what do you think?" lets them know that you are open to their thoughts. I think YT is one of the best places to get information, but even here, I've read some very poor advice written as fact. I think a doctor should try his best to control eye rolling, (I could never be a doctor), and if you don't feel like you can discuss your concerns with him, find another vet. You are still your dog's only advocate, and you are ultimately the one in charge of his health.
Normally, I'm not one for diagnosing myself on the web, but I had this insane pain shooting down my left leg. I couldn't put any weight on it, I thought I'd broken it somehow. I looked up my symptoms for kicks, and shockingly, only two things came up: hip bursitis and arthritis. The first website I hit said bursitis can be caused by sitting on a hard surface for a long time, and I had just gone through a marathon programming session sitting on the floor. So that was a special case. If I'd typed in "stomach pains" or something, I'd sure it would be different.

Anyway, it's a different world now, it used to be that only doctors had specialized knowledge. I'm sure in many cases people come in with a very limited understanding and argue with their doctors, but that's just another skill docs will have to develop: eyes that move down and side to side, but not up.

Bottom line, your vet is a key partner in keeping your pet healthy, and you should trust and like them.
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