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Old 07-26-2009, 08:27 AM   #10
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Thanks everyone for the ideas.

I have applied and been turned down for medicare/tenncare and have spoken to the social worker but so far I don't qualify for any programs. They sure can come up with a lot of lame reasons a person can't get medical coverage around here.

The hospital I was in about my heart is the one the uninsured, poor, homeless, etc. are sent to and I'm still receiving bills from them but they are also the ones who sent me home untreated because I didn't have "what they thought I had" and said to see my regular doctor. I DID show the hospital docs the lump and they blew it off, they never even felt it because they didn't think it was related to my heart problem...turns out they were wrong, as usual.

Anyway, I don't have a regular doc so I go find one (several) get felt up, ignored, and sent on my way. Most of them end up asking me if I've ever been treated for depression. The answer is no, because I'm not depressed! I live most peoples wet dream! My life (typically) rocks! I have nothing to be depressed about! Pissed off, yes. But that's because the docs aren't doing their job, they're just worried about getting paid! Anyway, I have to pay anywhere between $95 and $375 up front to be seen. The last one finally sent me for a biopsy last friday and the results are in. I was right all along but it's taken several months to get anyone to listen! So now, it's back to the specialist on Monday, where I'll have to pay cash up front once again for the appointment and any tests I need run and then whatever he says from there.

Meanwhile, my hand wouldn't be covered by anything anyway, even at the cheap hospitals because they say it's "cosmetic" since it won't kill me if I don't do it. Lots of people do just fine without a finger, or even an arm. I get that, and I feel like a real whiner wanting to get this done but this particular finger is REALLY an integral part of my work.

I'm sure it will all work out, it always does. It's just a bit nerve wracking on the way. Thanks for the ideas though!
~~~ Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours! ~~~
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