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Old 07-14-2009, 04:17 PM   #6
Tobie's Mommy
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Originally Posted by twix View Post
Hi, I am a new owner of a yorkie name Twix .

I have a ton of questions I need help on .

He likes to sleep a lot and is very alert when he sleeps. When my husband and I are home, he would sleep and as soon I get up to go to the bathroom he is right there with me…LOL.

Is this normal for him that he likes to sleep a lot?

Twix wont eat his food throughout the day as he will eat his food when are home from work? Is this normal?

Can I give him milk?

He does not like to play with toys at all? I have bought him toys from the pet store and he won’t play with any of them. I also bought some snacks from the pet store for him which he wont eat, he does not even like greenish. Strange, I know.

He hardly barks and the only time I heard him bark one bark was I opened the balcony door and he was sleeping at time. Is this normal also.

Sorry I do not want to sound like what Am I doing caring for a dog but after reading the Q and A about really freaked me out and I do not want anything to happen to him.

Why is my puppy not eating and sleeping all the time? He/she seems to not have any energy and is weak.

* Hypoglycemia is a disorder of the central nervous system caused by low blood sugar. It can occur most often in small, young, stressed, or active Yorkies due to not being able to store enough glucose (sugar) within their system.

* Signs such as sleepiness, weakness, and loss of appetite and or coordination may appear suddenly. Left untreated, the condition can worsen until the dog has seizures
, loses consciousness, and dies.

* Nutrical is a vitamin supplement provided by your vet should be administered immediately to your pup. If Nutrical is not readily available upon your pups symptoms offer sugar water or syrup or honey in very small amounts. Seek immediate veterinary care.

My Tobie does that too and has since we first got him. hehe. He can be in a deep sleep and if I get up for any reason, he's right there with me

I had a TON of questions when I first got Tobie too. I have had dogs all my life but it had been many years since I've had a puppy.

Twix sounds perfectly normal to me. Tobie also slept a lot when we first got him and I think we had him for a month or so before he started barking at all.

As long as he's eating, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It just could be that he's sad when you are gone to work and doesn't feel like eating.

I'm not sure why he doesn't like toys but each dog is different.

Congrats on your new baby!
[CENTER]Mama to 1 skin baby & 2 fur babies
[B]Arilynn Marie Tobie Teddington Dash
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