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Old 06-20-2009, 05:40 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Nancy1999 View Post
I personally don't believe that dogs get tired of food, I think when they don't eat, they aren't hungry. One of the advantages of kibble is that you can free feed it, meaning they will just eat enough for what their body needs, they won't overeat. In other words, it's just not that yummy, but if you would take a pound of hamburger and throw it on the floor, they would eat until they vomit, and then eat some more.

Several things can be going on. First the food may have gotten stale; you need to take all the air out of the bag before you seal it up. Moisture in the air makes food taste less appetizing. Another thing could be, those treats you give him; they may be just enough food, so he's willing to hold out for yummier fair. Three, he could be getting food without your knowledge; trashcans are a popular choice. Lastly, he may not be feeling well, and his appetite just isn't there. The mistake most people make is they fix the dog something special fearing he's starving to death, and he learns to become fussier. Try giving more nutritious treats, like thawed frozen green beans, a dog loves them, but they won't ruin the appetite for more nutritious food.
Usually he eats twice a day or inbetween nibbles on the kibbles. But now as in before too, he sniffs and walks away. If I put in some wet food, he eats that along with the dry.

I keep his food in a large plastic container with a lid. I don't give him the amount of treats as I once did. I use to hid numerous of treats in his toys, like a scavenger hunt. Something to do while I am away. It's impossible for him to get into my trash cans, so that can't be it either. He does nibble on grass, which the Vet told me not to let him do. His belly must be upset to do that, as I was told by a friend.

I went to "Feeder Supply" today and got some "Merrick's" canned trout mix and some new stuff they have out called: "Visions" which is for their vision, joint and breathe. It is small kibbles you add to their food. Looks like peas, but 1/4 size smaller.
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