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Old 06-17-2009, 07:27 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by sarabiNcucuy View Post
"See, others think so too!!" Hehe, that's what I keep saying... we should just keep him. ;-) But for the sake of all 3 yorkies, my growing family, etc. I think we're going to continue to look for that great home for at least a few more weeks. Either way, this whole situation kind of sucks because I feel bad in every way. I feel bad for not just keeping him, as if I don't care enough!! & if he goes, I knooooow I'm going to be so heartbroken... I cried w/the others & didn't spend nearly as much time w/them, nor did I bottle feed them, keep them near me for this long or anything like that.

Decisions decisions. I hope we find a wonderful family soon or that my hunny comes around & we agree to make this his forever home.
he is so adorable!!! i am sorry this is so hard for you. of course it's hard, he is your baby!

i would not let him go to anyone who offers so little money for him. you need to make sure that this baby finds a good family to go to. he deserve to be spoiled rotten and LOVED by his new family. (like ALL yorkies deserve) so definitely don't let him go until you can find him a perfect forever home.

i think you are being really selfless. it sounds like you would love to keep him but you won't be able to give him enough attention with all the things happening in your life right now.

are you having trouble finding qualified families for him? there are some ways that you might be able to get help. you might contact rescues near you to see if they have qualified loving family that they've already done interviews with. i had experience with a couple of rescue places, and they do a pretty good job with trying to make sure the people are qualified to adopt an animal from them.

the little guy is so cute, i would be heart broken too if i have to let him go live with another family. but just think that he will be so loved and spoiled by the perfect family you find for him. best of luck to you and the little guy!
__________________ i love milu
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