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Old 06-16-2009, 01:31 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Mom2TwoYorkies View Post
I haven't been through this as of yet, so I cannot offer any advice on how I would feel. I know how much I love my "kids" and I know I would love their pups as well. My sister had yorkies years ago and had 2 litters of pups. I know it was hard for her to see them go. The 2nd litter she had produced 4 and she ended up keeping 2 of them just because she couldn't find the proper homes for them.

I think, for me, I would keep any of my babies that I couldn't find a proper home for. Since you are so attached to little Runtley, can't you just keep him? I think that you should . . .he's completely adorable and you've devoted so much time and attention to him he'll probably be the hardest to find a proper home for since you've done everything for him since the moment he was born . . .
"See, others think so too!!" Hehe, that's what I keep saying... we should just keep him. ;-) But for the sake of all 3 yorkies, my growing family, etc. I think we're going to continue to look for that great home for at least a few more weeks. Either way, this whole situation kind of sucks because I feel bad in every way. I feel bad for not just keeping him, as if I don't care enough!! & if he goes, I knooooow I'm going to be so heartbroken... I cried w/the others & didn't spend nearly as much time w/them, nor did I bottle feed them, keep them near me for this long or anything like that.

Decisions decisions. I hope we find a wonderful family soon or that my hunny comes around & we agree to make this his forever home.
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