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Old 06-16-2009, 12:54 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by blancla View Post
I had a situation where everyone took the smaller Yorkies and left the bigger one behind. I thought that I was being picky too. Everyone wants a Yorkie, but they don't want to pay the price for one. I know the economy is bad, but I didn't want my little guy to go to a home that wouldn't be able to afford him after a couple of months. My son, Jason, had helped me so much in the process and wanted the bigger puppy since he had been born. Well, with that said, he got his wish because I just couldn't give him up. He's going to be 7lbs. full grown, and if you ask me, that's not too big at all. He's the sweetest and has already been potty trained. He's now 4mo old. My son has him sleep in his room, is paying me back for all the vet bills, is having him neutered, etc. He's learned tricks already.

$400 is a steal, and if you can't find someone willing to pay the price for him (which I think should be more), I would suggest that he stay with another family member if possible. You had mentioned other family members wanting Yorkies, did you ask any of them if they would take him and hold him until you get things under control?

Here's a picture of my son's little guy. He named him Gucci Gucci Goo.
I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way!
I will see if any other family members are interested. Most have their own dogs already though - - & most of the dogs are bigger & would be way too rough for this lil guy. I am almost positive I don't have any friends or family that could take him temporarily, or that would. I don't mind at all keeping him, holding onto him until we find his home, or anything... but... my significant other on the other hand thinks we need to try harder to find him a good home because we already have 2 yorkies. So I'm afraid as much as I want to keep him... we're going to have to keep searching until we find a suitable home.

P.S. Thx for sharing a photo of your son's little guy!
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