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Old 06-16-2009, 05:02 AM   #18
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Posts: 268

I am not a breeder, and found myself over the last few days saying, "I could never be a breeder." I said that for the same reasons you have said those things. The time, the emotions, the heartbreak of letting them go and the thoughts that something might go wrong with your little girl or the new babies. There's really not money to be made in it unless you have a dog that has a large litter - I'm mean like a retriever that had 12 pups!

My Yorkie had her babies this past Saturday. It was not a planned litter. She had two, and we are keeping one, and the father's family is keeping the other. They live two doors down from us, so it won't be so bad. It's all so exciting, yet I feel like I need to decompress.

So, I am writing to let you know that everthing you said could have come out of my mouth. I completely understand and agree with what you are saying. It might not mean much, but I hope you get some peace knowing you are not alone in your thinking.

I wish you lived closer to Texas. There are so many great people I know that were so disappointed that we only had two puppies, b/c they wanted one and they know their worth (not just $$ LOL) Before I knew we were only have 2 babies, I was scrutinizing everyone, so I know how you feel about finding the perfect home for him.

For what it's worth, I would keep the little guy, if at all possible. It is in caring for something that you become attached to it, and you have definitely done that. You saved that baby's life, and it sounds like he has touched yours infinitely. Maybe the reason you haven't found the perfect home for him, is b/c he's already there.

Last edited by tammys; 06-16-2009 at 05:07 AM.
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