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Old 06-15-2009, 07:24 PM   #1
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Default Emotionally Draining - You help birth em... raise em... & now... JUST CAN'T LET GO!

Hi YT members!

I would like to ask what other breeders go through when having to let a litter of puppies go.
I feel bad that I have not yet been able to assist & respond to other posts & here I am already asking for advice...
So, please bare with me... I don't want to be selfish but I have to admit that this is HEAVY on my mind & heart right now.
Let me try to put this into a sea shell. ;-) I let my dogs breed early this year after doing much research & getting advice from multiple vets. The only reason I decided to do it was because my late husband's mother wanted one & my grandmother wanted one. A few different vets said that she probably wouldn't have more than 2 or 3 because of her size... so I thought it would all work out. Well, those two situations didn't work out afterall & I was left to find all 5 boys their homes.
I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be a "backyard breeder" so I poured thousands of dollars into vet appointments, supplies, books, dvds, etc. Around the same time, I had just started school again online (for business) & also started some network marketing.
I got the idea that I could have a Yorkie Video Contest on Youtube... let locals submit videos on why they should be able to buy a pup of their choice for $150. The video received a lot of traffic and we got some good video responses. It was a nice experience & because of it, 3 other pups found their homes as well. Now, the runt on the other hand... was just way too small and fragile to leave when his brothers left. My girl, Sarabi, had disowned him from day one... she actually tried to kill him by hanging him upside down in her mouth while he was crying & leaving him far away from her & the litter, on top of the puppy pad. Of course the emergency vet educated us on this - that she was probably trying to get rid of the "weakest link" because it's instinctual to do so before any other animal does. So, this little guy has needed extra care over the weeks. We bottle fed him, kept him warm, etc. I knew this was going to get hard because I cried (pretty bad) when the first puppy left... After that, I knew I would never let my dogs breed again because it's just emotionally draining for me. That & during the video contest a few people harassed me for it which opened my eyes to a few things. The ones that accused me of just "pimping out" my dogs and "killing" dogs in shelters... well there wasn't much room to talk to them. One, was productive in their criticism... They let me ask questions as to why a few individuals were attacking me. They said, there's an over population of dogs crisis out there & that people should really encourage adopting shelter dogs. Now I don't actually agree to the extent these individuals were taking things but I got their point & realized that 1. I wasn't even going to break even w/everything I paid 2. I would like to "Be The Change I Wish To See In The World" by encouraging people to adopt dogs that are already alive instead of breeding again and 3. It was sooo much work!!! Emotionally, mentally... feeding Sarabi special food when she stopped eating, delivering the pups, worrying, the time... everything(!) it was just A LOT. So, we're getting them fixed asap. Forgive me for getting so off topic - I know I'm venting...

So, here's the deal. After all that... the runt has managed to fatten up a bit to a whopping 30oz & is ready to find his forever home. I've posted him numerous places and just can't find the good family that he deserves. I don't know if it's the economy or what but I decided to just ask for people's best offer & I'm getting messages for $50 and $100!! Now to be frank, I don't actually need the money or anything so I know it's not about me getting a pretty check but I just genuinely believe he is worth more than this & can't bare to let him go for less than $400.
I would keep him myself but with school full time, building a couple businesses, and being a new home owner... I'm afraid I would not be able to give them all the time and affection they all need & deserve. IF I cannot find a good loving home, that does not have "rough" children, that will make time for him... a family that is not struggling financially to the point that just getting him will turn him into a financial burden... I will keep him. I don't care if I have to step down w/one of my businesses to make it all work.
But I just don't understand why it's so hard now to find him a good home. I don't want to judge people but when you only have 50 bucks to spare... that is not good enough to me. That doesn't show me that you'll be able to take him to the vet when it's time for a checkup or when he gets sick.

I want to know if I'm being too picky... I wonder if I should just keep him because I'm so attached to him. I don't even want to let him go to anyone that isn't willing to keep in touch on some level like email photos from time to time...
I wonder if most breeders have had this issue... where you have a wonderful, precious puppy that you just know is worth everything & you cannot find a suitable home... & what do you do when this happens???
I apologize for my story being "all over the place" but as you can tell... I'm pretty distraught and would just like to know which direction to take this so that Runtly... that's the lil guy's name we've been calling him since he was born 14 weeks ago... so that he is loved and cared for & I be at peace with it. Any insight, advice, similar stories, or ideas are welcomed.

Thanks in advance to anyone that may be of some assistance.
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