Thread: Kijji ads!
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Old 06-15-2009, 07:40 AM   #4
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What I am trying to point out is not only the price but also whether or not it is a FOR SALE ad. has rules about FOR SALE ads and when these ads do not follow their set rules they are "flagged" by other readers and removed. That is why we see a lot of Craigslist Yorkies For Sale links that have been removed by the time we try to use the posted link. If you read these ad closely you will see the warning signs that the ad is actually a puppy for sale which is against the posted rules. But when you post links to Kijji these are actual FOR SALE ads which clearly break the rules of the RESCUE AND REHOMING Forum. The real issue is that these are BYBer pebbling puppies they have bred solely for the purpose of selling for a profit. They most likely come from poor quality yorkies that should not be used for breeding in the first place. So basically when you repost their FOR SALE ad whether or not it meets the YT RESCUE AND REHOME price cap you are giving these people an even broader viewing audience and at the same time defeating the entire purpose of RESCUE and REHOME.

There are plenty of dogs that are in need of being rescued in Animal Control and risk of being PTS all over the country what would benefit from a new home and a post on YT. Just in the past few days I have actually lost track of how many pups were pulled out of kill shelters in several states and made their way to a new and loving home or into a rescue were they are safe from being PTS. We should make a concerted effort to find pups like them buried on Petfinder as well as other sources to save their lives. Otherwise, what I see happening is by word of mouth these unreputable breeders will begin using the YT RESCUE AND REHOME Forum as a way of selling puppies.
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
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