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Old 06-15-2009, 06:27 AM   #3
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Yes you can! My Yorkie, Bella (14 mo. old) LOVES scrambled or even hardboiled eggs! (Just remember, the yolk contains much more fat than the white. I have scrambled both together for her, but if you plan to do this on any kind of consistent basis, you should probably mainly give scrambled egg white only or at the very least alternate. Also, if your Yorkie has any sort of liver issue, you may want to consider ONLY doing egg whites, since the yolk contains animal proteins that could increase blood ammonia levels [since the liver wouldn't be filtering the ammonia out as it should]--please consult a veterinary nutritionist IF your dog has any health problems!!)

Also, another important point is that if more than 10% (I believe it is) of her daily diet is coming from human food (veggies, rice, chicken, egg....whatever you give extra), then her diet needs to be re-balanced by a veterinary nutritionist. Most dog foods are already balanced and meet AAFCO nutrition guidelines, but if you are supplementing with other treats or foods, more than 10% of what she eats, then it has to be rebalanced.

FYI, the way I see it is this: if you are only giving extras occasionally, like maybe once a week, then it isn't a big deal if the extras you give (as long as they are "good" extras) are a little more than 10%. When you have to start being careful is if you want to do this daily or even every-other-daily.

Another good thing to give that most Yorkies seem to like as an extra is yogurt (just a teaspoon or 2 a day). (Just make sure they don't have the artificial sweetener Xylitol--toxic to dogs!) Some people prefer to give plain or vanilla, some prefer to give the Yo'baby brand. I personally like to eat Greek Goddess Yogurt, so I give mine a teaspoon and then eat the rest!!
Bella's & Maya's mommy
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