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Old 06-12-2009, 02:38 PM   #1
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Allow me to remove my foot from my mouth

First of all, I would like to publicly apologize to Kathy Murphy of Gold Dust Yorkies. In my post here describing my experience with a rehomed Yorkie named Rita, I have unintentionally embarassed her & her good name. If the administators of this site can remove all prior postings by me referring to Rita, I would be grateful, before I cause Kathy anymore hurt and shame, which she does not deserve.

I had two yorkies prior to getting Rita. I've raised them since they were 11 wks old and know them like the back of my hand. Rita came to me as a 6 yr old. Kathy told me Rita was laid back and on a scale of 1 (sleeps all the time)to a 10 (hyper) Rita was about a 2. Even though I was told all this, I had it in my mind she would be like my other two, and she's not at all. Not Kathy's fault, but my fault for not listening to what she was trying to tell me. Due to my lack of knowledge and unknown fears, I thought there was something wrong with Rita and conveyed that in my postings. My vet gave his opinion that Rita had a limp because she was cage kept, this hurt Kathy most of all, I am so sorry. Kathy mentioned her slipped stifle early on and I must of forgotten or in my excitement of getting this little girl let in go in one ear and out the other. We all think of our vets as some kind of God, I should not of assumed he was right, nor should he have stated that without solid proof. It was just his opinion, and like you know what, we all have them. Rita seemed depressed to me when I got her, that's true. What I didn't stop to think about (which Kathy pointed out to me this afternoon) was Rita knew Kathy and her home, habits, routine, etc for 6 years and all the sudden she's in a new house, new routines etc. Kinda like being the new kid in school half way through the school year. Well, duh, I could kick myself!

Rita is a beautiful Yorkie (see my album) and no she's not "in my face" and balistic like my other two, but a well adjusted, sweet girl that came from a loving home, and behaves exactly as Kathy stated. I never had an older dog, only puppies, so I did not understand. I do hope Kathy can find it in her heart to forgive the hysterical rantings of a scared new mother of an adoptive "child". I would not hestitate to get another Yorkie from Kathy, rehome or puppy. We have talked via the phone and she has assured me I would be welcome to another one of her beauties if I wanted. The only reason Kathy rehomed Rita was so Rita could have more attention than she could give her, that in itself show how much she loves Rita.

Kathy gave up a Yorkie that she had loved for 6 years to me, and trusted me with her precious baby. In return for that act of love, I have unintentionally kicked her in the teeth.

I have learned a valuable lesson through all this, unfornatuately I have tarnished someone's good name, for that I am truly sorry and ashamed of myself.
Harley Rita Scooter Bandit Peanut
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