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Old 05-17-2009, 10:20 PM   #61
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Location: Redmond, Washington
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Sorry, but I saw Petco mentioned as being a "good" type of pet store and I had to speak up here...

I won't shop at Petco. They may not sell puppies and kittens but they DO sell OTHER animals from mills, and have some pretty terrible cruelty accusations against them stemming from their treatment of the birds, ferrets, reptiles and small animals that they sell. There are tons and tons of reports online of birds, reptiles, and small mammals that die being shipped to Petco, and cases of deaths in the stores, including things like employees "euthanizing" animals by sticking them into freezers. Their ferrets are ALL from mills, as are most of the other small animals that they sell. The rats, mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs that they sell are generally crammed into tanks much too small for them and are not separated by sex, resulting in the poor baby critters ending up pregnant far before they are old enough to properly care for offspring.

It's just as bad as Petland, in my opinion-- just the victims of Petco don't have as many defenders.
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