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Old 05-17-2009, 07:28 PM   #10
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ,nc,usa
Posts: 193

Thank you everyone! Ladymom, Sugar's Mom,Topknot,and C C Kent!
Some of this I have been doing for many years. Going to the shows, reading show owners online information about show dogs only going with co-ownership and only being allowed full AKC breeding rights after acheiving championship. Reading their online published thoughts about proper ethics,only breeding to the standard,spaying and neutering pet puppies. I am in full agreement with the grand majority of what I have read. This year I did not go to the Spring all breed show,(usually occurs around Easter here and it came early this year, just snuck up on me). However I am not very outgoing and going up to talk to people has been hard for me all of my life. I have done it on occasion, but didn't have a clue as to what to ask.

Way back when, I did email the proper folk at the YCTA about contacting someone who might have a show prospect and never heard back. I do go to the website every now and then to read up on what changes are being allowed or not with the breed and other good info that they do have listed on their website.

There is at least one show breeder that I know of in my area, but I think she is now more involved with showing for other folks and training and grooming too. She is a couple of hours away from me.

I am lucky in that there is a professional dog trainer in the area that teaches stacking and show ring practice. I did take my dog for this last year, but when I figured out her coat was not good enough and perhaps her ears may be too big, I kind of gave up at the time.
Yes, I have noticed that many folks are handling for the Show Folks. One or two local show people I have recognized in the chairs around the ring, but they are usually supper focused on the dogs and seem kind of "stoney faced" so I am under the impression that they are not in the mood for conversation at that point in time. Afterwords they disperse quickly. Some have talked to me when I have asked, but my questions were very limited.

I have learned alot more since coming in here and actually owning a Yorky. I did get a copy of the YTCA's handbook on the standard. I did subscribe to the Yorkshire Terrier magazine one year. I have boo coo Yorkshire Terrier books, looking for how to groom and show, but each one only has a tiny bit of info, most dup of the info is duplicatedand not very detailed. I know I have a lot more to learn!

I do go on.....
But really I do appreciate everone's information and input!
Thank you again!
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