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Old 05-14-2009, 07:38 AM   #32
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Methuen, MA USA
Posts: 306

The Pet Store at the Mall of Rockingham Park in Salem, NH is now closed. However, Seaworld Pet Center in Salem, NH is open (that's where Sully came from) and there's also a new Pet Store right across from it called "Puppy Palace". They sell only small breed pups - a lot of yorkies. They are really clean and seem to take really good care of their pups. They make everyone use hand sanitizer before they pet the puppies and they only let serious buyers actually hold the pups and even then it's supervised. It's a husband and wife owned store and they seem to be really picky about who buys and who holds their pups. Not sure where they get them. I asked to see their papers and I was told if I was buying the puppy I could see the papers, but if I was just in there as some kind of animal rights person that I could not. I forgot to ask what happens to them if they don't sell. I actually can't say I've seen the same puppy there for more than a week or two. They said they sell the yorkies as fast as they come in. Seaworld on the other hand has a bunch of older pups. 5 now to be exact. 1 since before xmas, 1 since right after xmas and 3 since January.
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