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Old 04-22-2009, 04:36 AM   #9
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Cardington, OH
Posts: 10
Animal Smiley 019 Confused about dog food, too

It seems like the more I study different foods, the more confusing it becomes. I have yorkies adults and puppies
so I mix puppy food w/ adult food since my 6 dogs eat together. I have been using Eukanuba adult yorkie formula mixed w/ eukanuba small breed puppy, and now I am reading that may not that great. I just got another yorkie female 10 mo old this wk and her former owner recommended and sent home w/ me wellness puppy. I have been mixing it in w/ my other food so her diet isn't a drastic change. How can you really know the absolute best diet for yorkies? Is it just trial and error?
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