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Old 04-15-2009, 07:03 PM   #20
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I filled out an application for a phone consult and got a phone response a about an hour later. Susan Davis feels that there are many issues with Cocoa that a consult needs to include Dr. Gordon. That increases the fee from $80 to $200. I am out of any food for Cocoa so I made a quick run to Wichita right after work. According to the chart I was given by K-State listing the ingredients that have too much calcium (concerning the gallbladder stones), Merrick has many of those ingredients. The pet supply store helped look at all the ingredients and EVO had a moderate amount of fat, very low on carbs as suggested by what I read on the net about EPI and none of the offending ingredients that might cause stones. I am grasping at straws right now. I just was accepted as a member of an EPI Yahoo group called K9-EPIGLOBAL I have been reading some of the literature sent to my e-mail address that is just introducing me to EPI. It is much more complex than I could ever have imagined. I'm overwhelmed by the responsibility that I have in finding what works for my little Cocoa. I feel I don't have time but yet I'm told it will take time. My vet knows nothing and I got no info from K-State. Think I may request my vet to join this Yahoo group in hopes that she will understand EPI better and help me through this. I don't know if the info that the Yahoo group will provide is enough without consulting with Susan Davis or not. I'm too old for this. Cocoa is too old for this. No one knows enough about this. A vent. Sorry. I did get the new enzymes yesterday----$100 for the bottle. This morning her poo smells like poo for the first time in weeks but it is too soft for my liking. Maybe need to cut back on the enzyme. The directions say 3/4 t. for a cat and that is what the K-State vet told me to give. Cocoa weighs 2.4 lbs. Instinct tells me that is too much. And no one told me how important it is to allow the enzyme and the food to set at least 20 minutes and better...1 hr. before giving it to Cocoa. The more I think about it the more I'm thinking I better dish out the $200 and get some advice. Bad thing is that it is income tax time and my dh had to shell out thousands more than he thought. Feel like I need to pinch pennies a bit. Another vent. Ugh! And now it is 10:00 and I haven't accomplished anything.
Joanne Eli ChipperEva Snowboy
Rosie(R.I.P. 1996-July 29, 2013) Cocoa(R.I.P 1998-April 26, 2012):
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