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Old 04-14-2009, 10:31 PM   #1
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Angry ♥ Sighhhhhhhhh ♥ (vent)

So, I took Missy for a big walk today in a forested type area near a park. I carried her the whole hour because she is still recovering from her spay surgery. Anyways, just as we're getting back to where the car's parked, we walk by 2 ladies sitting with their dog (one was a Chow, the other I couldn't tell). They start openly LAUGHING at us. I just look at them like What? I'm thinking maybe my underwears showing, or I have something on my face...I mean they were REALLY laughing. The one lady is laughing so hard that she can barely talk and she says *pointing at Missy* "What IS that"? I replied, "She's a Yorkie". Lady, "Is that some kind of dog"? Me, "Yes, she's a toy breed dog". Lady *dripping with sarcasm*, "gee, she must be a whole 1.5 lbs". Me, "No, actually she is 3 lbs". Lady, "Well that must be why you're carrying her, she can't even walk by herself". Me, "I'm carrying her because she recently had her spay surgery and has to be kept still". Lady, "You mean you actually had her spayed *laughing hysterically* ...yeah, I guess that I wouldn't want to breed a dog like her either".

I just glared at her and walked away. I can not believe that someone would be so freakin' RUDE! And of course her Chow was off-leash at a kids park. It wasn't an obediant dog either. She was all the way across the field before he finally listened to her calling him because they were leaving.

If I didn't love Missy so much and think she is perfect the way she is, that probably would have really hurt my feelings. It doesn't matter if you have a big yorkie or a little one, people criticize you either way. You just can't win! Anyways, I hope her Karma bites her in the you know where

Here's my little Miss-Miss in her latest purchase from Sapphire's Closet. She's a little scruffy because she can't have a bath for 5 more days, but I thought that I'd share anyways.
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Shaunna with Missy (my princess) & Dora (my tomboy)
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