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Old 04-08-2009, 05:28 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Yorkieville200 View Post
Well, since it was deleted, I don't think it would be right for me to say, but if anyone thinks any of the posts were mean or rude, all I will say, is this went far above, mean or rude.

And with that said, I am off to bed, because I am exhausted after preparing and serving at a funeral luncheon for 6 hours.

I wish, everyone would really take the time now, to take a deep breath, and sit back, and really read all the posts, and think about your babies being in this situation. And ask yourselves, would you have allowed it to happen, even once. But even once, can happen and everyoe makes a mistake. No ones perfect, but we learn from our mistakes.

I really feel that there are many very responsible young people in this forum, and I am asking you not to think about the puppies for just a few minutes.

Think about the Mom.

I don't expect or even desire any feedback. But I think, if you really read the posts, and all the discrepancies, you just might understand why some of us were so upset.

I don't know if any of you have tiny dogs, but a dog that is "almost 5#s" is pretty tiny. Try to imagine her with a huge pregnant belly and severe LP in both back knees. Try to imagine her trying to get around to do the simple daily things in life; eating, drinking water, pottying.

I know all of you love your babies. I read your posts.

I can't imangine any of you allowing this to happen.
When you break the rules there are consequences to your actions. There were so many discrepancies stated and I truly believe this was not an accident. Or should I say it was stated (not here) this was NO ACCIDENT. So I am sorry if a few members think I was being harsh but sometimes the truth hurts. Unlike some I have experienced weeding through the lies and mistruths and that is exactly what I saw.

Originally Posted by heatherm0890 View Post
i bet you are exhausted,that would make for a long day, i kno you dont expect respnes but i do want to say i completely agree it is so sad it happened,its terrible the mom had to go thru this again, i just feel like harsh words are not the way to go,i am not accusing you of that at all either,i just think if we truly want to make a difference in the lives of homeless and sick animals,educating ppl,not bashing them, is the best way to go about it...
megansmomma, i just want to say, i think you do great things for animals,its really wonderful, but dont you think its better to educate rather than bash them?i agree with wat you say about puppymills and how its bad the lp is passed on but why not try to educate this person,not attack them so they dont come back?why not do it nicely?im not trying to start a fight but I just dont see why it couldnt have been handled nicer.
IMO this woman felt she was educated~she stated that her vet didn't see anything wrong with her pup having LP. Maybe next time when I see something like this I should send a friendship request, give them the name of a good rescue in their area and tell them that everything will be OK since there are a lot of wonderful people that care and donate to rescues and we will fix everything for the mom and eventually the pups too. Would that have met your approval?

As for handing out emails for help, I have to say that I have done that numerous times in the past. I have helped many members here when they were in need. I have Pmed members when they were being attacked and offered my assistance privately. I have handed out me phone number and personal Yahoo messenger name so that I can help someone that needs info or assistance. I have also met members in person and also have YT members that I now call my friends. So jump onto the bash Megamsmomma bandwagon because you didn't like my delivery or approach to something that turned my stomach when I read it. Having dealt with people like this in the past you learn to read through the half truths and misinformation to ascertain what is really going on.

When someone is caught in mistruth and twisting of fact, it is a shame that instead of letting it go they now have an ax to grind with me. When I am followed from post to post to have my words analyzed. I personally stay away from those long standing members that I do not agree with and do not get into schoolyard antics.
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
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