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Old 04-07-2009, 08:45 AM   #80
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What made the Yorkie? More than one breed were bred to develop it. A mutt? I think not.

As with many other breeds, there is some doubt as to the exact origin of the Yorkshire Terrier. The most popular theory is that the Yorkie is the product of crossbreeding between various English and Scottish Terriers, particularly the Waterside Terrier.
End of quote

So it takes breeding of two different dogs to create the purebreds we have today?

Mutts are supposedly called mutts because parentage is unkown. Shorkies, morkies whatever are crossbreds, but the parents are known.
Who is to say that someday a Shorkie won't be recognized by the AKC? After all it took 2 or more different breeds to develop our pure breeds today.

I own a Shorkie, which their is also a Shorkie Club of America like the biewers, (sp). But are they accepted into the AKC?? No
Golden Retrievers were my life long dog. I know what breeding to better the breed means. I bred show dogs, trying to to breed closest to the standard in Confirmation.
I am now retired and moved into a small retirement village. I now own a Shorkie and am glad I do.
But cuteness alone does not warrant buying one. Most important are health of the parents, and testing. And reading about both breeds that developed the Shorkie.
Research first. Then make the decision.
Also, there is no way a breeder could positively know that their dog will not end up in a shelter one day. If only we could be certain, but it's impossible. A breeder can only do the best that they can for their pups. And hope they made the right decisions in picking a responsible buyer.
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