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Old 04-02-2009, 09:12 PM   #12
YT 3000 Club Member
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Hi Brenda,
My Suzi does the exact same thing when she is very playful and excited. It's not funny.... BUT... IT is , in a way only because i am very aware that she is just playing.. so I try and distract her and give her something else she can play with instead of my clothes, a toy of her own, or one of her chew toys. If she persists , I will give a firm NO to her, and this will suffice. Suzi is now a yr old. Our Yorkies are naturally very spunky and love to play with us. Suzi does not usually growl at us , however, is a sock theif. We are not allowed to wear socks at out house ! LOL. She works hark at yanking them off each of our feet one at a time. Suzi usu to be terrible about grabbing our pants too. She's really become a lot better about not doing that anymore.
"No matter how little money & how few possessions, you own, having a dog makes you rich."
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