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Old 10-11-2005, 08:34 AM   #4
Toby's Human
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HI allan,
We are living in a small 1 bedroom house right now as well, and I personally let Toby out to play. All we do is shut all the doors and he has the living room and walk-in-kitchen to roam free in.....BUT we watch him like a hawk too. So you kinda have to judge for yourself. If you think you watch him like you should and that he wouldn't have any accidents, or if he did you would be able to catch him in the act and put him on the pad. Then maybe you could try giving him a little more freedom. If he take advantage and starts peeing and pooping everywhere, I wouldn't give him any free space at all. Remember every accident is 1 step back from him being trained. You might try getting that scent stuff that you put on the pads so he will know that is where he is supposed to go too, Or leaving pee or poo on the pad to let him know to go there. My Toby is TRAINING to go outside, but will use the pads if we don't realize he has to go. Good luck.
Ashley Toby
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