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Old 03-05-2009, 03:26 PM   #123
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I have just receive it from

Please complete the attached statement and return it via email to Thank you for your assistance.

Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office


Name: __________________________________________________ _____________________ Date of Birth: ___________________
Last, First, M. I.
Address: __________________________________________________ ___________________ Dr. Lic # _______________________
Number / Street City/State/ZIp
Home Phone: (_____)________________ Work Phone (_____)_________________ Cell Phone: (_____)______________________

Message Phone: (_____)________________ Pager #: (_____)________________ Email: ___________________________________

The following is my voluntary statement regarding this police report:
1. When did you purchase a puppy from Renee Roske? What price did you pay and did you pay by cash, check or other form of payment?

2. Did Renee Roske make any about the health of your puppy? If so, explain.

3. Did Renee Roske make claims about her expertise as a dog breeder? If so, explain.

4. Did Renee Roske make claims about her health guarantee of the puppy? If so, explain.

5. Did Renee Roske make claims concerning how long she has been breeding dogs? If so, explain.

6. Did Renee Roske make claims about where she got the puppies (i.e. if she personally raised them or whether someone else did)? If so, explain.

7. Did Renee Roske make representations about the history of the puppy, (i.e. “this was from one of my favorite litters, I raised her myself,” etc.)? If so, explain.

8. Did Renee Roske provide any documentation or make any representations regarding veterinary care of the puppy? If so, explain. If you have the documentation, please attach a copy

9. Did Renee Roske discuss or provide you with any AKC or CKC documentation? If so, explain. If you have the documentation, please attach a copy.

10. Did Renee Roske claim she has checked the dog out herself or that she took it to her vet or some other animal care professional? If so, explain.

11. Did Renee Roske make any other representations during your transaction? If so, please provide as many details as you can remember.

12. If your dog had health or other issues, did you know the issues before you purchased it from Renee Roske? With this knowledge would you have purchased the dog, negotiated a different price or gone elsewhere to purchase a puppy? Why?

13. Did Renee Roske provide you with any medication when you purchased the dog? If so, what was the name of the medication, instructions and reason for administering the medication? Do you have any medication left over?

14. Did you receive a dog that you believed to be an AKC or CKC registered dog or a “purebred” dog that you later found out was not? If so, explain.

15. Did you receive dam and sire information of your purebred dog? If so, explain.

16. If you took the dog to a veterinarian were there any discrepancies between their findings and the information Renee Roske provided (i.e. age, breed, medical condition)? If so, explain.

17. Please provide contact information of anyone you know who has purchased a puppy from Renee Roske.

18. Please explain exactly what medical issues, if any, your puppy experienced after you purchased it from Renee Roske.

If you have any further information, please attach your statement to this form.

PS: If some of you who contacted animal control have not received this file, or have some info to tell, just contact Kristina directly for the file to fill out
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