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Old 03-01-2009, 05:09 PM   #30
I ♥ Joey & Ralphie!
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Originally Posted by manolos mom View Post
I really think they are all just beautiful and I would like to hear more about the health issues from those owning a Parti,Gold or white...I cant speak because I dont own one. But as far as Genetics My Great Grandmother was an ALBINO and she was not a defective human..But if people are breeding KNOWING there are health problems then thats another story.
Scientists are still studying breeding for the recessive gene in lots of different species, and we know that there are problems associated with it, exactly what are all the problems, and how big are the risks no one knows for sure. There is not specific study in Yorkies because the mother club the, YTCA believes that others studies are more important to fund, ones that actually affect all yorkies, including standard yorkies. Breeders who breed for the recessive trait may not wish to make any illnesses known, if it affects their bottom line.
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