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Old 02-21-2009, 07:37 AM   #19
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Teague, Tx.
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by blouks View Post
Daisy was sick for 4 weeks. She is not coughing at all anymore however she has started to show some new symptoms. I had posted this question on another area of this forum regarding cloudy eyes. We noticed her eyes were getting cloudy and didn't remember them being that way. She also has a very small nervous tic (that is the best way I can describe it) where she kind of shudders her little head back and forth for a second or two. That has become more frequent. I just took her to the vet today and he thinks she could possibly have distemper. Evidently distemper manifests itself with the respiratory symptoms, and also can attack the GI system (she has had some diahrea but I thought it was due to her constantly trying to eat everything outside). It also can affect the eyes -- after examination by my vet he determined that she has inflammation in both eyes and we started some steriod eye drops. But lastly it can affect the nervous system which could be the cause of the tic that is getting more frequent. We are watching her closely and I am taking her back to my vet on Friday. Everything I have read about Distemper is very scary so I am praying that this is just a series of coincidences and that she in fact does not have distemper.
I hope your little guy gets better soon. If he is also experiencing any GI symptoms, changes in his eyes, or perhaps you notice some odd muscle twitches, it might be worth your while to ask your Vet about the possibility of distemper.
Hey about the cloudy eyes. I don't know if this is it but one of my dogs eyes started looking a bit cloudy. The poor thing only had one eye - he was born that way. Anyway it turned out it was a bad cataract and he's now mostly blind. I feel so bad - by the time we realized what it was it was too late and even if we had paid ALOT of money to remove the cataract he would still be blind. We had always gone to great lengths to protect his one little eye. His name is Winky because he always winks at you : ) He does very well though and can "see" better than alot of people I know. I guess their nose makes up for it in a big way cause he gets around great only running into things if we change up the rooms. I believe he can still see - just not very well and not very far. I don't know if this is what yours has - I imagine the vet would have noticed that right away but it's something to keep a watch on. If it gets more cloudy and starts looking like a weird sheen - kinda like a round thing of wax paper over his eye then you may want a second opinion. Take care and good luck.
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