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Old 02-16-2009, 09:08 PM   #3
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Is he drinking enough? Concentrated urine is very strong smelling.

I would take him to the vet to rule out a bladder/kidney infection. These conditions cause frequent urination...often times a sense of real urgency, like to you gotta pee real bad right now, but it turns out that there is only a small amount of urine produced. And then it happens again in a short time.

Another possibility is diabetes. Dogs get it too, and frequent urination is one sign.

If it turns out he is simply marking, then maybe you could try belly bands for a while? It's a difficult habit to break if you can't catch him in the act, so these would at least protect your house. You could take it off when you take him outside to pee so he gets the idea that outside is the place to do that. Make sure to praise him and give him treats for peeing in the right place, and if you catch him, yell "NO!" very loudly. I have used a squirt bottle filled with water to accompany the "no!" with good effect.

It is important to neutralize the pee where he has gone so he doesn't go back to the spot (even after you can't smell it any more, their sensitive noses pick up the scent and the scent says "TOILET" to them!). There are good products on the market in the US to do this, but I have always used white vinegar with good results.

But if it was my dog, a trip to the vet to rule out medical reasons would be my first act.
Sweet Violet
Puddin's Mama
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