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Old 03-13-2005, 05:23 AM   #3
YT Addict
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Upstate S.C.
Posts: 309
Animal Smiley 036

Apple & Lil Bit do the same. They run and snarl and tumble all over the place. Often Lil Bit ( the underdog in this scene) is biting Apple around her neck and hanging on....snarling.....being drug across the floor!
Apple LOVES IT!!!! She will do ANYTHING to get Lil Bit to wake up when she has finally wore out!
Later....they are curled up together on the couch....or chewing on each end of a chewy!
When the bites do get too hard either Lil Bit or Apple will let out a blood-curling "YELP" and everything stops.....they check out each other and resume.......easier than before.
That is why I like to see puppies with their moms and siblings for as long as possible....they learn some manners early in the roudy stage and learn some 'bite inhibition'.
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