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Old 01-19-2009, 12:16 PM   #5
YT Addict
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Location: Dartmoor, Devon, UK
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Maisie gets this too, it's really annoying! I guess it's the most common place for people to pat a dog so the oil from their hands can make them very greasy looking.

I bathe Maisie about once a week. I was told by her breeder that it's ok to wash your Yorkie as often as you want, every day if you have the time/inclination as Yorkies have a different type of coat to other dogs; it's more like human hair so doesn't dry out so easily. Be sure to use dog shampoo though as some chemicals in human shampoo can irritate a dogs skin. I personally do use conditioner, I did try not using it but it made no difference to the oily look on her head, but I do try to be sparing with it on her head. Also, make sure you're rinsing thoroughly, you could be leaving residue in her coat by not rinsing for long enough. It always takes longer than you'd think to rinse. My general rule is when you think you've rinsed for long enough continue for a further 60 seconds. I do this also with my own hair!

Hope this helps a little!

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