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Old 01-16-2009, 08:44 PM   #1
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Default My little Olive - succumbed to Anesthesia nightmare

This is my first time to post a thread. My heart is broken and I feel physical pain and sorrow as I write this. Yesterday, my darling little baby girl, Olive died while undergoing surgery for spaying. She would have been 8 months old this Jan. 27. I am filled with grief, but at the same time my mind is reelling in shock. WHY WHY did this happen? Is this more common than I know?? Olive was a tiny girl, only 2 lbs 13 oz, but very strong and playful.

My vet used the "safest" gas anethesia, and he used the lowest level possible. He said that if he used any lower, she would wake up. Immediately after the spay surgery, he moved on to remove 4 of her puppy teeth. It is my understanding that this is common --- to spay and remove puppy teeth at the same time, so that the puppy goes under only once. By the third teeth, her little heart stopped beating. They immediately tried to get her heart started again. Her heart started beating for a few minutes, then it started to slow down, until it stopped again. Little Olive could not keep her heart beating.

My worst nightmare came true. You hear about this happening, but never think it will happen to you. WE are brainwashed to "spay the puppy before she comes into her first heat, otherwise she will get breast/ovarian cancer", and are thus pressured to spay early or at least 6 months old, for fear of the first heat. But now I question, what is more un-natural for a puppy, coming into a heat (as God intended for reproduction) or putting a young, small Yorkie puppy under anesthesia?

I wish I had waited until Olive was older, maybe 3.5 lbs or heavier before putting her under anesthesia. But because of the "fear of the first heat", lost my common sense. Growing up, I've had many female dogs that were not spayed until later in life. ALL grew to live long healthy lives.

For those who own very tiny Yorkies out there, do you remember how old or weight they were when they were spayed? I am now completely tramatized, and vow never to spay a female Yorkie until they are over ONE year old (heat or no heat).

As a new comer to YorkieTalk, I am thankful to have found such a wonderful, caring community of Yorkie lovers.
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