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Old 01-12-2009, 04:06 PM   #1
Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: MA
Posts: 15
Default Barking when i'm not home...

Lord have mercy on my soul and my pooche's!

I live in a condo - where I have lived for many years, with multiple yorkies and have had no issues. My yorkie Queenie, had to be put down in november, she was 16.5 years old !!!! Oh how I love that dog.. Now, there's just Ruby and me. Yes, baby girl IS mouthy, she's 3, but she listens when I tell her to be quiet. The problem is, she barks when I'm not home - like any normal freaking dog does when they hear people in the hallway, and I have allegedly had a complaint made by a neighbor. I personally think it's ridiculous and harassment due to some other issues i've had with the board recently for damages in my unit they were responsible for - but that is beside the point. In any event, I honestly have NO idea what to do. How am I supposed to stop my dog from barking when i'm not here? I've gotten her toys - kongs, stuffed with treats, balls stuffed with treats she has to chase around, I leave the radio on, how much can one person do? I was told that if it continues, they will fine me for each offense and I honestly have no way to stop them - I thought about taping her, because I honestly don't think it's as bad as they are claiming it to be. I have yet to find 8 hour tapes though LOL.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I know a very reputable breeder that debarked one of her dogs that just would not stop - it was a cocker spaniel though. Please don't anyone freak out on me!!!!! I'm just asking, has anyone else done that? Seems like it would be a bad option for a yorkie where their throats are already so tiny. Sorry for the mile long post, i've been so stressed about what's going on when i'm not home the past few days that it's making me crazy. If nothing else, at least I got this off my chest
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