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Old 09-30-2005, 09:27 AM   #13
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Loki is finally over this. He does not have a medical issue like hypoglycemia, he is just stubborn. Here's what we did.

First of all, you can't feed them table food. You can't give in and cook them chicken - or guess what - they will hold out every time for chicken! They are SMART! Second, they may not be hungry or might be full from treats. Everyone told me to try to feed Loki 2 or 3 times a day. He will only eat once a day, while we are eating or while I am in the kitchen.
I stopped giving Loki treats (we do lots of training) for 2 days and guess what, the second day I put his food down and he ate it all right away. Also, if they don't eat for a day it won't hurt them. (My vet told me this.) So do not feel guilty about it. A dog will not starve if there is food available! Only put their bowl down for 15-30 mins, then pick it up. This will teach them to eat when you feed them.

Sometimes for a treat I put organic chicken stock on Loki's food. Only if I'm cooking with it or something, since it's $2-3 for the big box that only lasts 5 days in the frige. He loves that and scarfs his food. And it's 1000 times healthier than that Iams gravy stuff! I've also thrown plain rice on Loki's food if we are eating that for dinner. He likes that too, and he's still eating HIS food out of HIS bowl. I'd still say 6 days a week he is just eating his regular dog food, that for 6 months I thought he didn't like.

Good luck!
Erin, Sammy & Loki
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