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Old 01-04-2009, 12:40 AM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 91
Default Very Sad and scared

Hello everyone, I don't have anyone else to talk to about this sorry for the
long post. For the past 6mos I have been living with a terrible burden in my heart. I have had my Yorkie Princess since May 08 and she has been both a blessing and joy to own. She has brought sooo much hapiness to me and my Family, especially my 8yr old Daughter since it was her idea in getting a puppy. You see, she was Facing abdomminal surgery to remove a tumor which at the time we did not know if it was benign or otherwise. She is an only child and my all. She also had been asking for a puppy(a Yorkie to be specific) for quite awhile but I thought she was too young so the answer was always NO, well that all changed when they were taking her to the operating room and she then asked me that the only think she wanted when she woke from surgery was either a sibling or a puppy how could I negate my only child at that moment anything I would have given my life for her. Even now I'm just sobbing typing this. I cannot have anymore children(she does not know this) To have her I had 2 failed Invitros and finally on the last attempt I had my baby girl. I cannot go through that agony again and do not have the funds either it was extremely expensive. Well fast forward a few days later we had the opportunity to buy Princess it was all fate the lady who sold her to us is a foster mother and friends with my sister(also a foster mother) and she was telling her that she was on her way to the hospital to visit my Daughter and she was going to a pet shop to look at puppies before to see about getting one. Well that lady had a new litter of Yorkies but they were all sold already. She had one that had a deposit but had not been picked up yet. My sister begged her to let us have her and well the lady agreed and at half price too. We paid $500 for Princess. When my Daughter saw her puppy for the first time her eyes just lit up and she was so happy and just having Princess made for a speedy recovery. Her tumor was benign Thank GOD but its prone to come back she has to have close monitoring. Well now my problem is that I'm facing eviction from my apartment because of a no pet clause in my lease. I have lived here for 15 years and been nothing but a good tenant. I honestly was not aware of the clause in my original lease since I did not have it anymore and it was so long ago and the renewal leases do not state it. The lanlord wants us out of the apartment and is taking us to court. There are other tenants that have dogs, cats etc... but from what I understand we are the only one being asked to move. I had 2 cats in the past so I don't know why he is choosing to enforce this NO PET clause now. Maybe because I had ask him to do some much needed repairs. The Super of the building also is not a nice person and was the one who alerted the landlord of my dog. Again don't understand why since we've been always amicable with him and even gave him a christmas bonus every year(except last year). We live in a nice neighborhood and my Daughter attends one of the best public schools in the city. I do not want to move but I also don't want to give up princess she is my Daughters pet, friend and means everything to her. I have looked for somewhere to move but rent in NYC is very high and out of my means. I have to go to court the end of this month and I am just a mess. I have never had to go to court (only for jury duty) and I am very scared, terrified. I do not have a lawyer and cannot afford one at this time. I tried to get help from the legal aid society but they basically said that if it is stated in my Lease they were not going to waste their time in my case to just give up the dog. Well I will not and will do my best to represent myself in court although many have told me that I will lose it indeed it is stated in my lease from 15yrs ago. Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling/vent.
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