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Old 12-30-2008, 11:08 PM   #43
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Silver Spring,MD
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Default Heavenly Yorkies

I was trying to locate Gail Rodriguez of Heavenly Yorkies today and could not find her website. I did a search for her and found this thread. I bought an adult Yorkie from her over the internet in January 2007. I was told that the only reason she was selling the dog was because she was going to move into a smaller place and was downsizing. I was told that my dog (19 months old at the time) had successfully welped one litter of only one puppy. When it came time to send me the dog she could not do it because it was too cold. It took about two months before she could get the dog to me because of low temperatures. One thing that was kind of odd was that she mentioned scheduling a flight on a day that she already needed to be at the airport to pick up a Brewers Yorkie that she was receiving. I thought it was strange that she was getting a brewers if she was trying to downsize but I didn't mention it to her. I finally received my dog and was a little dissappointed that she did not look as pretty as she did in the pictures. She was also larger than I expected her to be. The thought even crossed my mind that maybe my dog was not the one in the picture. But again I didn't say anything. I just dismissed it as me being paranoid. When I bought my yorkie I was told she had just had her puppy in October 2006 and she was expected to come into heat in April of 2007. April came and went and Suzy never came into heat. Months past and nothing happened. I contacted Gail to see if Suzy had any history of not comming into heat or low hormone levels. She seemed very surprised and assured me that Suzy had not had any negative health history. I even contacted AKC to see if there was any record of Suzy's puppy. At the time there was not but I was told by AKC that sometimes it takes months and months to get the records on the books. Finally in September 2008, Suzy came into heat, one and a half years after receiving her. That's why I was trying to contact Gail now, to let her know that Suzy had a beautiful litter of 5 puppies in November. Gail always seemed genuinely concerned for Suzy's wellfare and wellbeing and she asked that I keep her updated on Suzy's life. I was kind of suspicious at times but I never suspected that she'd do what she did with that deposit. I hope she was made to give it back.
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