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Old 12-26-2008, 05:31 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by luckylady View Post
I feel your pain.......literally. I just had to let one of my females go last Sunday because she could not get along with my smaller female. It is the hardest thing I've ever had to do also and I am still hurting after 5 days without her. But it was the right thing to do.
Hugs to you.
Originally Posted by maggiesmom_2007 View Post
I know there are alot of people who will never understand the love we have for this breed. I have heard all the comments that they are ankle biters and Yappy little dogs,that they are too high maintenance for a dog. But there are some of us who know what awesome creatures they are. I got into breeding and just started getting into showing Yorkies so I was at the mindset that I would never rehome one of my Yorkies ever no matter what. Well Maggie my first Female Yorkie had her first litter a few years ago, just fine no problems at all she took to mothering like she was a pro. I kept 2 of her sons had them fixed and kept their tails. I figured they would all get along and never fight. Yes I guess I was extremely naive. I had heard that that intact males would fight as would the females. So when I brought Friday home I kept an eye on my girls. But something happened that was totally unexpected and completely baffling. One of my fixed Males started fighting with Maggie. At first it was just a little over exuberant playing which was stopped when it got out of hand. Over a period of 3 months the fights started getting worse. I would take the instigator and use the techniques I was taught. It seemed to work. but I realized it wasn't working one day after giving them baths and finding scabs from bitemarks on both their necks. I had to make a decision that was the hardest one for me to make. I couldn't separate them when we weren't home because My mother in law lives with us and has Senile Dementia and has let them out several times. So they stayed upstairs til I got home from work and let them run the house. It wasn't an easy decision to make but since the male belongs to my husband and Maggie belongs to me I made the decision to find Maggie a new home. My boss's sister had a Yorkie that passed away 3 yrs ago of old age. I had talked to her several times and I decided this was the perfect home for her. She would be the only Dog with a stay at home Mom. So she wouldn't have to share anything, food, attention, treats. So this Morning I took her to work with me and waited for my boss to come and get her to take her to her sisters home. I have been crying all day and just when I think I have no more tears left to cry someone asks if I am okay and the tears fall once again. I came home and just looking at my furbutts and seeing the questioning look in their eyes and the tears are falling again. I have to say I have sooo much more respect for the breeders and people that have had to rehome their Yorkies for whatever reason. I know there will always be some of you that may think this is a coldhearted thing to do but it was the right thing for me to do. Because I would rather be sad now but know that Maggie is happy and healthy and well loved than to come home from work and find her hurt or possibly dead because I couldn't think of letting her go. Not to mention the other 2 I have getting into it to and possibly getting hurt.

I am so sorry you had to go through this, I am afraid one day I will have to do the same. You are a brave person for doing it, you put your babies first.
Rose, I didn't know about Lexie, I am so sorry for you, I know how hard it was for you also. My heart goes out to you both.
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