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Old 12-26-2008, 01:27 PM   #1
YT 1000 Club Member
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Cry The hardest thing I have ever had to do.

I know there are alot of people who will never understand the love we have for this breed. I have heard all the comments that they are ankle biters and Yappy little dogs,that they are too high maintenance for a dog. But there are some of us who know what awesome creatures they are. I got into breeding and just started getting into showing Yorkies so I was at the mindset that I would never rehome one of my Yorkies ever no matter what. Well Maggie my first Female Yorkie had her first litter a few years ago, just fine no problems at all she took to mothering like she was a pro. I kept 2 of her sons had them fixed and kept their tails. I figured they would all get along and never fight. Yes I guess I was extremely naive. I had heard that that intact males would fight as would the females. So when I brought Friday home I kept an eye on my girls. But something happened that was totally unexpected and completely baffling. One of my fixed Males started fighting with Maggie. At first it was just a little over exuberant playing which was stopped when it got out of hand. Over a period of 3 months the fights started getting worse. I would take the instigator and use the techniques I was taught. It seemed to work. but I realized it wasn't working one day after giving them baths and finding scabs from bitemarks on both their necks. I had to make a decision that was the hardest one for me to make. I couldn't separate them when we weren't home because My mother in law lives with us and has Senile Dementia and has let them out several times. So they stayed upstairs til I got home from work and let them run the house. It wasn't an easy decision to make but since the male belongs to my husband and Maggie belongs to me I made the decision to find Maggie a new home. My boss's sister had a Yorkie that passed away 3 yrs ago of old age. I had talked to her several times and I decided this was the perfect home for her. She would be the only Dog with a stay at home Mom. So she wouldn't have to share anything, food, attention, treats. So this Morning I took her to work with me and waited for my boss to come and get her to take her to her sisters home. I have been crying all day and just when I think I have no more tears left to cry someone asks if I am okay and the tears fall once again. I came home and just looking at my furbutts and seeing the questioning look in their eyes and the tears are falling again. I have to say I have sooo much more respect for the breeders and people that have had to rehome their Yorkies for whatever reason. I know there will always be some of you that may think this is a coldhearted thing to do but it was the right thing for me to do. Because I would rather be sad now but know that Maggie is happy and healthy and well loved than to come home from work and find her hurt or possibly dead because I couldn't think of letting her go. Not to mention the other 2 I have getting into it to and possibly getting hurt.
Lori, Friday, Olivia, Miranda , Chanel and Casey
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