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Old 12-19-2008, 08:41 PM   #5
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Dexter, Missouri USA
Posts: 40

I have a 17 year old Maltese that I rescued from a breeder that said that I could have him for free. She said that she was going to have to put him to sleep if I didn't want him because ... "He is too ugly to sell"! She talked for an hour about how nobody would ever pay money for a ugly dog. I had previously bought a little maltese from her and this dog was his brother but they were not litter mates. I went and looked at the little fella and he was so sweet. He did have a overbite, which he grew out of, and he was big. My little dog was named Bodacious Badd Boy, BoBo for short so I named this one BoBo's Bubby BooBoo and took him home. My mother fell in love with him and she passed away 4 years ago and I took him back. He has a beautiful coat and his bite is fine. He does weigh 9 lbs but he didn't deserve to die. BoBo died 3 years ago and that is why I got Zaira. So I guess that some breeders put them to sleep.
Mary and Zaira
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