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Old 12-15-2008, 06:26 AM   #1
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Cry PHEW... NH still a mess!

Hi all,
Not sure if you heard the news here in Southern New Hampshire, northern Mass. We got hit with an ice storm last thursday. I had no idea how bad it actually was, I saw it raining all night thurs night. I still had electricity so I didn't think much of it. My boyfriend lost his and told me to turn on the news friday morning, he also told me he couldn't get anywhere, so many roads were closed with downed trees and power lines. It was like mass devastation when I turned on the news. I went all the way to work and work had no power. It was a scary ride with trees leaning precariously over the highway weighed down with tons of ice. I went home at 1130am and the sun was shining, the trees were melting and even more were falling (all the pine trees in my complex lost their bottom row of branches, all you could hear all night was trees cracking and falling down). In total over 350,000 people/businesses/schools were with no electricity, no heat or water (and cable, but thats not a big thing haha). As of today, there are still over 200,000 without those things. Most of my friends and family here still do not have electricity. People are staying with their relatives who do have it at this point. Generators are nowhere to be found, all sold out.

We are still in a state of emergency and most NH schools are still closed.

On the news this morning they said that they are hoping to get everyone back up by Christmas. That is 10 more days! These poor people! I feel so awful. Luckily there is no more crazy weather in the forecast for a few days so maybe that will help get people back up quicker.

Whats so surreal about it is that its bright and sunny and dry and the roads were never bad and there is no snow, so you couldn't believe the damage done when you look around and it looks so 'normal' out.
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