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Old 12-11-2008, 08:56 AM   #4
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 72

you are one of the lucky ones that get to be home with them all day. i am very convinced that because you are so fortunate you can have her trained in less than a month.
first things first she needs to be sleeping in the kennel
6:30 AM wake up and go potty
6:35 time to eat and drink
7:00 in the kennel
9:00 out for potty break
9:05 in the kennel
11:00 out for potty break
11:05 eat and play
11:30 in the kennel
1:30 out for potty
1:35 in the kennel
3:30 out for potty
3:35 in the kennel
5:30 out for potty eat and play
6:00 in the kennel
8:00 out for potty and play
9:00-10:00 last chance potty and back in kennel for bed.

lots of people will say take them out right after they eat or drink (which isnt a bad idea) i have never had either of my pups go immediatly after they eat or drink its usually a few hours later. but would for sure be worth trying because each puppy is different. you need to just make a schedule and stick to it.

each time you take her out to go potty you need to use the same door and use the command "go potty" say it over and over again until she goes and as soon as she goes give her the praise she needs. she will soon understand that "go potty" is what it is and a 10- 15 minute potty break outside will quickly turn into 5-10 then 1-5. the most important thing is to have a schedule and to stick to it. consistency is key. also a rule of thumb is that a puppy can only "hold it" for as many hours for as many months old they are.

once you get her using the schedule you should be able to skip some of the kennel times and let her have the house for the two hours before she is ready to go potty again and then once you work it to where you have eliminated all the kennel time except when she is sleeping you can work it from taking her out every two hours to every 2.5 hours and then to every 3 and so on until you take her out about every 4- 5 hours and you dont have any accidents again.

that is the same schedule we used for both of our pups and now neither of them are in a kennel during the day and we dont have any accidents 1 of mine is 1 yr and the other is 8 months. once we started using this schedule they were both trained in about 1 months time.
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