Thread: I'm at a loss..
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Old 12-09-2008, 03:24 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Location: Lorton, VA, USA
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Cry I'm at a loss..

I'm looking for advice about what to do.. I've posted on Yahoo Answers as well. I want as many opinions as possible....

I have a Yorkie that is a year and a half. I love him with all my heart, but am afraid that I might have to re-home him.

Here's my LONG sob story:

I got Tokyo at 8 weeks. He was the cutest, most lovable creature I'd ever seen (still is). When I first got him, it was great. After the novelty of a new puppy wore off, I started taking less responsibility for him. He would begin peeing and pooping in the house (I was lazy and stupid, I know). My parents wanted to give him away. I agreed assuming this was the best for him as I was working and going to school.

My parents gave him to a family friend who lives about 50 miles from me. They gave him away without my knowledge, and to a person who I didn't believe should have him. I was devastated. I wanted to take my time to find the best home I could for him, and that privilege was taken away from me.

[Background on the lady who agreed to be his new mom: She has two maltase’s which are kept in tip-top shape -- very well cared for -- thought taking on a third wouldn't be a problem.]

Months passed and it got easier without Tokes, but there were days when I missed him so much. I was never able to shake the feeling that I needed him back in my life. I called the lady who had him and asked her how things were going. She said that she had been stressed out with a third dog and agreed to give him back to me. I was ecstatic that I would have a second chance to show myself and everyone around me that I could be a better dog owner.

Tokyo has been back now for a month or so. I am SO happy that I have him back and have no regrets about bringing him back home. He has a pretty strict schedule that I keep him on. Since he still has problems with pooping and peeing in the house occasionally, he is crated while I am not home.

If I'm working this is his schedule --
7AM -- Pee and poop (if he pees only, he only gets to roam around my bedroom. If Tokyo pees & poops, he gets free run of the house.)
7:10AM – Eats if he feels like it
8:00AM – Goes into the crate until 3:30PM, which is when I get home
3:30PM – Walk with same rules applying for pee and poop.
If I don't go anywhere for the rest of the day, he does whatever he wants around the house.

If I have school this is his schedule –
7AM -- Pee and poop (if he pees only, he only gets to roam around my bedroom. If Tokyo pees & poops, he gets free run of the house.)
7:10AM – Eats if he feels like it and romps until 11AM or so.
11AM – Goes into his crate until 2:00PM or so depending on traffic.
2:15PM – He will go on a walk in which I don’t expect him to poop and peeing is good enough for me.
5:00PM – School until 8:15PM which means crate time.
8:30PM – Romps until 10:00PM which is his bedtime.

Details vary day to day, but that’s the gist of our day. I also work on Saturday’s all day in which he is at home in his crate. Since I’m really the only one who wanted him back in my family, no one really wants to help me take care of him. I am his sole provider. I am fine with that, but I’m afraid I cannot give him enough.

Extra details:
Dinner for him is 6:00PM daily.
Has a toy in his crate if he gets bored.
He and I play together on a daily basis (not always for a long time, but I try to remember to give him his play time).
Bath time for him is once a week.
I brush his teeth during bath time.
Since his hair is short right now, he’s brushed a couple times a week.

I know I'm writing a novel, but I'm at such a loss about what to do. I have NO PROBLEMS with taking care of him and putting in the work. I’m over myself and have taken full responsibility of taking care of another living being. I'm just afraid I don’t have enough time to give him the love and care he deserves. I feel as though he’s always stuck in his crate. When the semester is over, I want to work more which means I will have even less time for him. I feel so selfish that I’m not actively looking for someone who can give him more time. I’m so happy that he’s here and I would be devastated to give him away again. I can’t imagine him not being in my life, but right now I have to know what my priorities are. I need to focus on work and school.

My heart is in the right place, but my schedule and the demands of life are not compatible with having a dog right now. Maybe I’m being a drama queen and everything is fine. I just can’t shake the feeling that he needs more than what I can give him.

So, my question is, from your point of view, what should I do? Should I keep him, or should I re-home him? I’m really hurting because I don’t know what to do… I feel like I have so many things to say to explain my situation better, but this is a start. Please don’t judge me harshly, I need advice.

Background on me: I’m 21; work about 30 hours a week. School is about 10 hours a week not counting school work. I would like to increase my work hours soon.

Thank you so much if you’ve made it this far.
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