Thread: preggie or not?
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Old 12-05-2008, 06:17 PM   #7
Donating YT 3000 Club Member
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I don't intend to scare you, but if she escaped twice during her heat, you can almost bank on her being pregnant. and 1 year old is TOO YOUNG! Find a NEW VET! When was her heat? Somehow I don't think that yoiu are taking seriously the warnings that you have gotten in the responses. It is a SERIOUS matter. If a dog bigger than her tied with her, having the puppies could KILL HER! She is only 1 year old. Even if she tied with a dog smaller than her, having puppies at this age is like letting a 4 year old child have a baby. Please, find another vet and get her spayed. ASAP! She would be due to deliver approximately 63 days after mating with another dog. If she was out for 30 minutes, I can almost count on her having mated with another dog. When they are ready to mate, they will do whatevrr thay can to get out with a male dog. Please, hon, if you love your dog, get her to the vet now.
Sonya, Owned by Ladybug, Tilly, Sunshine, Beamer, Rainbow, Sonny and Righteous RIP Sunnie (11/12/2003-7/31/2009)
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