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Old 11-12-2008, 01:22 PM   #1
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Default Yorkie night blindness??

I have been there queen of new threads recently it seems like!! Here's another one.

Before her spay almost a week ago, Bella had figured out she could jump into my thigh-high hamper to sleep, so that was where she chose to sleep at night AND during the day when I'm gone. (Since her spay, she has been sleeping in my bed because I didn't want her to try jumping up or down from any height and accidentally hurt herself.) That being said, I have noticed her reactions to certain things when it is dark are completely different to her reactions to those same things when it is light out. For example:
1) When I would wake up every morning, or when I'd get back home from being gone (when it was light out), I could always find Bella waking up in my hamper, and she would excitedly jump right out to greet me! BUT, if she decided she needed to use her pad during the night, she would cry until my bf would get out of bed to put her on the floor. When it's light out, she has no problems at all jumping in and out of the hamper, but when it's dark she acts like she is afraid to jump.
2) Last night, my boyfriend went into the bathroom to brush his teeth before bed, and ended up walking through the bedroom door to sit on the end of the bed while he brushed. Bella went back right after him, and then I could hear her "huffing" (that's what I call it, anyway....sort of a huffy little whoof) down the hall. I asked him what he was doing, and he said that he would sit still and then move around a little bit, and she was huffing whenever he would move around. She also wouldn't go into the bedroom where he was, but stood in the doorway instead.

Both of these things are leading me to believe that she doesn't see well in the dark. I was under the impression that dogs can see much better in the dark than humans do, but I'm beginning to think that may not be the case with her?? Does anyone else have a Yorkie that seems to not see well in the dark, and is more on guard in the dark and the light?
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