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Old 10-10-2008, 04:25 PM   #1
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Angry Fustrated/ kind of long

Please forgive me for venting but I don't understand how some people like we've talked about on here are so irresponsible when it comes to their animals!
This morning my daughter that's 17 plays soccer, so she runs every day, to stay in shape.....(and today they didn't have school, so no practice) well anyways she went running on a road not far from us because it doesn't have much traffic. ( we live out in the country) These people on that road have about 4 dogs that just roam where ever they want. The Rottweiler that's not full grown run up behind her and bit her on the back of the leg. Well when she got home I cleaned it up and my husband called the doctor and she was brought in for a tetanus shot and antibotic cream. Well because we have a leash law in our county a sherriff's deputy filed papers and went to the woman's house and told her she had to pay the doctor bill and asked her about the dog having his vaccines. All her other dogs have their shots, this one that bit my daughter hasn't had his. So you can say we were upset. Well my husband went and talked to our vet today and told him what happened. He said that we shouldn't be worried about rabies because it has been many years since a rabies case was reported in the state of MS. He told him that you just have to take care that it doesn't get infected.
So to say the least I've had to work today and worry about it's been a crappy day
I just get so aggravated that people don't take care of their dogs. My friend lives across the road from these people....I called her to ask her their last name and she said she hopes they do something to those people because they've always had vicious dogs. I told her the deputy went to her house and she told him she thought they were shut up in the friend said they are not ever in a pen....they roam wherever they want to.
I'm sorry to vent, but i knew you guys would understand where i'm coming from. thanks for listening....
( oh i forgot to tell you when he bit her it was the back of her was 3 wounds....2 were about 1/2 inch long and the other one was smaller. i'm very thankful she didn't have to have stitches)
I Lve My Sweet Tyke
I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me. Phil.4:13
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